Ella Lucile
I got to spend a little time with my niece, Catalina, and her beautiful daughter Ella. She is adorable and  so much fun! I sang and talked to her in Spanish and we played some of Mamina's games. She reminds me so much of my sister Nina (her grandmother). Here is a picture of Nina as a baby. They look alike, don't they?


 I'm 7 years older than Nina, and have fond memories of playing with her as a child, dressing her up like my very own live doll, putting on shows when she was a little older. Playing with Ella was like going back in time to those days of playing with my little sister!

This is another game I learned from my mother. It's like "This little piggy went to market…". You say the verse as you touch or wiggle the child's fingers or toes. There are several versions out there, here is my mother's version:


Este se encontró un huevito,
este lo llevó a la casa,
este lo cocinó,
este le echó la sal,
y el pícaro gordito se lo comió!


This one found a little egg,
this one took it home,
this one cooked it,
this one put salt on it,
and the little chubby rascal ate it!

 Thank you Catalina, for letting me play with Ella and for the video and photo.



Mamina loved when her daughters sang her songs and games with her grandchildren. Now we sing them with OUR grandchildren, her great-grandchildren. I picture her smiling as we do so. I believe she is happy that we remember and are keeping the traditions going.

Here is a favorite of the little ones. It is done by placing the child on your lap, facing you. The rhyme is said as you lower the child back, away from you (while holding on to their hands or arms or even supporting their head, depending on the child's age). Then you pull the child towards you. The leaning back and forth is like a seasaw, or wood sawing motion.


Aserrin, Aserran

Los Maderos de San Juan
Los de Juan piden pan
Los de Pedro piden queso
Los de Enrique, alfeñique
riqui, riqui, riqui….


Sawdust, sawing wood

The woodworks of St. John
Those who are John's ask for bread
Those of Peter ask for cheese
Those of Henry, little sugar figurines
(the riqui, riqui is the sound you make as you tickle them)

Here is a short video, so you can see it done. My little grandson, Link, loves Aserrin, Aserran! Towards the end we are playing another game, TOPI, TOPI, TOPI TO. No translation, just sounds as you touch heads together. 

I searched on line and found a different, rather gruesome version of Aserrin, Aserran.  I think  children's songs and fairy tales have been used to express things that could not be openly spoken of. 
I don't know if there really are different versions of Aserrin, Aserran, or if Mamina sanitized it for her children's sake. Either way, this is my mother's version. 

Anyone else remember it this way?